
Monday, October 5, 2015


(Mbongelela)x2                                              (bless me abundantly)
 sya kuya na atui makwa        ,                   (to share together with my neighbours)
masiah mbongelela)x2                               (messiah bless me abundantly)
verse 1
Ninisi nungathimite,                                 (I know that you’ve blessed me)
 masiah numbathimite,                              (messiah you’ve blessed me)
 ninonete kw’oko kwaku,                         (I have seen your hand)
 nitunga muvea mwiai,                              (and I appreciate you Jehovah)
ninonete vinya waku ,                                (I have seen your power)
 nguma ni syaku mwiai,                             (the glory is to you lord)
indi mwa nikwisuva,                                   (lord I beg you)
 nundu wa atui makwa ,                              (because of my neighbours)
masiah  uimbongelela ,                                (oh lord as you bless me abundantly)
ndukolwe na atui makwa ,                           (don’t forget my neighbours)
masiah uindilikana,                                        (messiah as you remember me)
 lilikana atui makwa ,                                      (remember my neighbours)
asa mwa mbongelela ,                                     (jehova bless me)
sya kuya na atui makwa,                                 (as I share with my neighbours)
 asa mwa mbongelela, ,                                     (jehova bless me)
 masiah mbongelela                                           (Jehovah bless me abundantly)
Ngali mwa nungete,                                                  (cars you have given me)
 niasya muvea mwiai ,                                              (I say thankyou lord)
indi nivitilite utuini wa kwitu mwiai,                  (when I pass by the village)
 ngivita atui makwa,                                                  (as I pass my neighbours)
 maendete na maau mwiai ,                                     (as they walk by foot)
ngwisuva umalilikane ,                                             (Jehovah remember them)
ngoo yakwa yina kyeva,                                            (my heart is fullof sorrow)
Athima syana syoo,                                                     (bless their children)
 manenge ona ngali ,                                                   (bless them with cars)
 na angi pikipiki,                                                           (others with motorcycles)
 ni kana utui witu,                                                         (so that our village )
 tutane vamwe mwiai ,                                                (be joyfull together)
 masiah malilikane                                                       (messiah remember them)

Ngoo yakwa yina kyeva,                                       (my heart has sorrow)
 kyeva kinene mwiai,                                             (big ones oh lord)
Ndyona iveti ndiwa,                                               (when I see widows)
 na syana itesukulu,                                                (and children not in school)
Ona iteuvuna ,                                                           (as they lack food)
ngukulya ningwika ata,                                          (as I ask you what can I do)
 nditonya utethya onthe,                                        (and I can’t help them all)
 lilikana atui makwa,                                                (remember my neighbours)
 lilikana syana syoo ,                                                (remember their children)
syana syoo ithi sukulu,                                            (their children to go to school)
 ala matena ngali ,                                                     (those who do not have cars)
manenga ngali masiah,                                           (give them cars oh lord)
 ona ala mate kisululu,                                            (even those without bicycles)
 manenge pikipiki,                                                   (give them motorbikes)
Ni kana utui witu,                                                    (so as our  village )
 tutane ithyonthe mwiai                                        (be  joyfull together messiah)

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