Wednesday, April 15, 2015


uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula   (here it comes)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu  ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Phezulu, eNkosini (in Heaven, in the Lord)

Kuhlal 'ingcwele zodwa (lives only the holy)

Mawufuna ukuya khona, thandaza (if you want to go there, pray)

Phezulu, eNkosini (in Heaven, in the Lord)

Kuhlal 'ingcwele zodwa (lives only the holy)

Mawufuna ukuya khona, thandaza  (if you want to go there, pray)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

uLoliwe wayidudula  (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

uLoliwe wayidudula (The train is pushing)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu  ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Sul'ezonyembezi mntakwethu  ( wipe those tears off, loved one)

Nang'esiza (here it comes)

Phezulu, eNkosini (in Heaven, in the Lord)

Kuhlal 'ingcwele zodwa (lives only the holy)

Mawufuna ukuya khona, thandaza (if you want to go there, pray)

Phezulu, eNkosini (in Heaven, in the Lord)

Kuhlal 'ingcwele zodwa (lives only the holy)

Mawufuna ukuya khona, thandaza  (if you want to go there, pray)


Ned Polian said...

I like your post. It is good to see you verbalize from the heart and clarity on this important subject can be easily observed. Christian Japanese Translation

Anonymous said...

thank you i looove this song now i know what she means.

Unknown said...

Nice song, wise meaning. I like the thandaza

Unknown said...

trully "thandaza" to get to heaven. prayer has great impact on each and every Christian life

Anonymous said...

I like very much the song, it's additional advantage that now I know what she meant

Unknown said...

Thank you God. Now I know the meaning of the song.

Bill Kyomo said...

Soooo beautiful and such a blessing to know the meaning really. Bless you. I like this song even more now.

Anonymous said...

The first time I heard this song, I did not understand the language but it spoke to my heart. Eventually I googled the translation and understand now why I like it so much. Well done Zahara your song speaks to people!

Unknown said...

Enter your favorite song ever

Unknown said...

Though I didn't understand it at first, it gave peace to my heart which made me want to understand,bless you much Zahara,great song

Unknown said...

When the song out in 2011,i was in South Africa. I so much loved the song as if I knew the meaning. Till now many people still ask me why I play the song most every time in my car.

Unknown said...

Beautiful i loved the song very much

Cooper De Lordschild said...

Wayidudula.... Xhosa is difficult

Tosenjo said...

This song is highly soul lifting I am awake repeatedly listening to it and that led me to searching for the meaning which was also a great one. Zahara I pray we all make heaven by God's grace, we shall not miss the train.

Kwame said...

I love the song it is so touching the vocal,pitch and the instrument as well is so wonderful. I am highly impressed. Indeed I am proud to be an African and of cos listening to African inspirational music.

Unknown said...

Am inspire by this lady, this a lovely song , I heard this song two days ago on Radio success 104.9 Kampala , Uganda. Wawoo Am Danton

Unknown said...

I have always felt an inner peace as I listen to this song. It's today when I've found out the meaning...woww..glory be to God.

Anonymous said...

This song reminds me of Bob Marley's Zion Train. Almosst the same spiritual meaning.
Indeed I also hope to catch the train.
Thank you for the comment

Anonymous said...

I loved the song even before I New the meaning

Anonymous said...

Never loved any song in my life like Loliwe even before knowing the meaning.

Anonymous said...

I can't get enough of this song. Am listening over and over. It gives me inner peace. Thnx Zahara.

Anonymous said...

I love this song so much,,,,may God bless you zahara

Anonymous said...

Me too

Anonymous said...

may she rest in peace

Anonymous said...

I loved the song minus knowing the meaning. The guitar, vocals was just enough for me to appreciate, May her soul RIP.

Anonymous said...

My soil and spirit is at peace,thanks girlfriend xoxo..RIP Zee