Tuesday, July 7, 2020


 I've come to praise You
For Your goodness and Your kindness,
Your faithfulness and love You show to me
Even when I fall You pick me up [Psalm 145:14]
Your mercy is ever new [Lamentations 3:22-23]
Mo! mo! mo! (well done! well done! well done!)
Yesu Kristo mo! (well done, Jesus Christ!)

Mo! mo! mo!
Yesu Kristo mo!
For all that You have done
And all that You will do
Mo! mo! mo!
Yesu Kristo mo!

Men rejected me
Looked down on me
And said I wouldn't make it;
But the One that lives in me
Is greater than he that lives in the world [1 John 4:4]
He said He'd never leave me
And never will forsake me [Hebrews 13:5]
Mo! mo! mo!
Yesu Kristo mo!

Mo! mo! mo!
Yesu Kristo mo!
For all that You have done
And all that You will do
Mo! mo! mo!
Yesu Kristo mo!

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